Are you ready to move to the cloud? Would you prefer to access your Dynamics GP system securely through the Internet and never have to worry about server and hardware issues again?

Dynamics GP gives you the “power of choice” so you have the option of deploying your system on your own servers on premise or deploying it in the cloud at a secure data center.

Hosting Dynamics GP in the cloud will give you a predictable monthly cost and will eliminate the unpredictable, ongoing costs of:

    • Server /hardware purchases
    • SQL, Windows and Office licenses
    • IT support for server issues/maintenance/backups

You can get basic monthly pricing for “CAL GP Cloud” at

To get specific, personalized pricing here are 10 questions we will ask to provide a formal quote for the monthly cost of running your Dynamics GP system online in the CAL GP Cloud. Some of them you can answer yourself, others can be answered by our Dynamics GP consultants during a system evaluation.

“Bring Your Own License” Quote:

  1. What version of Dynamics GP are you running? 
    Hint:  How to Find Which Version of Dynamics GP You Are Using
  2. What ISV add on products are you using?
    If you are not sure, sending us a copy of your Dynamics.set file can help. (Instructions)
  3. How many named users access the system?
    Note: While Dynamics GP licenses are sold on a Concurrent User basis, in the online model, it is Named User licensing. This means every named user accessing Dynamics GP requires their own monthly fee. So a generic user name such as “purchasing” that is used for 2-3 different people, would not be allowed. Also, anyone who only uses an ISV product such as SalesPad, even though they don’t have a Dynamics GP license, are accessing the system so they would also be a separate named user.
  4. Do you have any Dynamics GP Limited of Self Serve user licenses?
  5. Are you using Extended Pack?
  6. Are you using Web Client?
  7. Do you already have an existing Office 365 subscription?
  8. Do you need more than 10GB of disk space?
    Note: To determine needed disk space generate a list of GP companies and look at the amount of disk space SQL is using for each. The 10GB disk space allocation is for SQL Database Files and files created by the Named Users and stored on the cloud hosting system. We do not count disk space utilized for Windows, Office, or any other program files or operating system files in the disk space allocation.
  9. Do you have any integrations using GP web services (or service based architecture)?
  10. Do you need any of these add on options?
    • Web Server | 4GB RAM, 2 Procs, 1 SSL Cert (For example: if using ISV like OlyWeb that requires a web server.)
    • Internal Server | 4GB RAM, 2 Procs
    • Internet Facing SQL Analysis Services ( For example, if they are using Analysis cubes feature of GP.)
    • SQL Integration Services (If you have custom built SQL integration services.)
    • Point to Point VPN Tunnel (For example, if you have app on premise or on another cloud and they want that app to integrate with GP in the cloud. Customer network and cloud network can talk to each other.
    • Secure FTP Site – (For example, customers that have app that outputs files to a directory. Instead of local directory they can use FTP site and access through integration manager.)

One Time Cloud Migration Services Costs

These 10 questions will help us determine the predictable monthly costs of running Dynamics GP in the cloud in the secure data center. However, there will be some one time services costs to backup and restore your data to move your Dynamics GP system to the new cloud servers. Read: Moving Dynamics GP to The Cloud

What are your system specs?

The backup and restore depends on the number of companies, the size of the databases and the speed of the servers. CAL Business Solutions has a simple inquiry we can run in SQL to give us this information and provide an accurate quote.

Do you want to upgrade to the current version of Dynamics GP?

To save money typically companies will choose to move their Dynamics GP system to the cloud to coincide with an upgrade to the current version. Review: 12 Questions to Determine the Cost of Your Dynamics GP Upgrade

CAL GP Cloud Pricing


Contact CAL Business Solutions for a personalized quote to move your Microsoft Dynamics GP system to the cloud. or 860-485-0910 x4

By CAL Business Solutions,