How many times a day to you click on the SEARCH icon in Dynamics GP?

It’s time for a change. There is a way to find information 83% faster and even search for the information you need in third party (add on) products.

To save time, you can even use one of the 4,000+ pre-defined lookups in Dynamics GP.

You can avoid traditional Microsoft Dynamics GP lookups and find data with the google-style search tool that works the way you expect. SmartFill helps you quickly find Customer, Vendor, Account, or other records by allowing you to search part of a record’s name, ID, or any other related information, and with the click of a button, you’ll have the matches listed right in front of you.

Don’t just take our word for it…more than 20,000 Rockton SmartFill users happen to agree.

Start working simpler & easier today with a FREE 30-day trial!

Details and Pricing

InInfographic Rockton Smartfill

Rockton SmartFill Details and Pricing from CAL Business Solutions.

By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner,