If you want to change customer IDs in Microsoft Dynamics GP you will use the Customer Combiner and Modifier utility. This tool used to be part of the Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) but it is now accessed from the main Sales window in Dynamics GP. In the customer maintenance window you do not have the ability to edit or change the customer ID after it is created. See how to use this utility that allows you to change the ID. This change will effect all transactions for that customer – current and past. It will look like the other ID never existed.

Video Transcription:

This is Amber Bell from CAL Business Solutions. Today’s topic is How to Change Customer I.D.s in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

If you want to change customer I.D.s in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you will use the customer combiner and modifier utility. This tool used to be part of the Professional Services Tools Library, but now it is accessed from the main sales window in Dynamics GP.

In the customer maintenance window, you do not have the ability to edit or change the customer I.D. after it is created. This utility allows you to change the I.D. This change will affect all transactions for that customer, both current and past. It will look like the other I.D. never existed. Please be aware it is very important that you do a backup of your data because there is no undo for this process. Also, if you are using any add‑on products that connect to your customer database, it is important that you contact us before using this tool. This tool will not update some external databases. Also, some tools require users to be logged in as an administrator and that no other users be logged into the system.

So first I’ll show you a regular customer window. You see I cannot change the I.D., but I can easily change the name, so we’re just going change this to ABC Baking Supplies, but now I won’t be able to easily find that customer because the I.D. and name do not match, so I’m going to save this customer, close the window, and now I’m going to open under utilities and sales, customer combiner and modifier. I’m going to change to customer modifier. I can do a lookup for my customer, so we’re going to find Baker. I’m going to go by Bakers Emporium. Here we go, select and my new I.D. will be ABC0001 and I will hit process.

Again, it’s going to give you that same reminder. You must do a backup. I have done a backup before I started this session. Go ahead and click continue and we’ll let that run.

I get a printout of the change. I recommend if you use this tool that you print and save this report. Close that report. Close the window, and now if I open up ABC and I do a lookup, I’ll find that new customer and all of my old open and historical transactions will list the new customer I.D.

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By Amber Bell, CAL Business Solutions – www.calszone.com