Many researchers and analysts have studied the number of hours people work during the workday, but very few have taken a look at when people work. According to,  the “American Time Use Survey” conducted by the U.S. government tracks actual work time by occupation to provide an idea of how shifts are divided, which occupations provide more “traditional” work days and which jobs are less traditional than the others.

Published by NPR, the survey report includes interactive graphs that plot each occupation and the hours people surveyed work. Visit: Who’s In The Office? The American Workday In One Graph

The data includes starting time, lunch and stopping time. It shows that some lunch times are very fixed during the middle of the day, especially with jobs like construction, whereas others are more flexible or uncertain. It also shows less traditional occupations like servers and cooks often work harder during lunch time and also work later into the evenings that typical 9 to 5 jobs.

Not many jobs have consistently late or early hours other than “protection services”, which would include police officers and firefighters. Nevertheless, workers in America have more night and weekend shifts than other countries with similar economies.

Tracking a workday and managing shifts is very important for any organization with employees, and it becomes even more critical when a company has multiple shifts to cover and many employees who have flexible schedules.

Microsoft Dynamics GP can help human resources and payroll track less traditional work schedules and ensure employees get the hours and compensation they need.

To learn more about how Dynamics GP can help, contact CAL Business Solutions. or 860-485-0910 x4.

By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner