Almost every SalesPad screen displays data in a grid. You can easily change the grid to suit your needs and also use it as a reporting tool. Here are some things you can do:

    1. Click on a column to sort by that column
    2. Click and drag a column header down off the header bar to remove the column from the grid
    3. Click and drag a column header to another position to re-order the columns
    4. Use an auto-filter row. In the example, I’ve selected only open orders dated April, for customer numbers starting with ‘A’, and sorted it by required ship date.

    1. Right-click on the column header and select “Column Chooser” to add columns to the grid
    2. Click on the small funnel filter on the top right of a column header to bring up a list of unique values to choose/filter from for most columns:

    1. Or create your own custom filter by clicking on “Custom” in the funnel filter – for more complex selection criteria

  1. Use the global find feature on any grid by pressing <ctrl>F to bring up find box, as you enter your search criteria the matching found records will be highlighted in yellow.
  2. Click on the red triangle on the header of the leftmost column to print the grid or
  3.  Export the records in the search grid to Excel.

By Jo Ann Flaum, CAL Business Solutions, Leading Microsoft Dynamics GP + SalesPad Partner