Welcome to the second workflow added to the Dynamics GP October 2019 release. This workflow is User Security Approval.

In User Security, you can make changes to the access for a user, what security role they are assigned or what modified reports they can access. With User Security Approval workflow, you can require that these changes be submitted for review and approval. This workflow is available in Workflow Maintenance under the Administration group.

When active, it is shown on the User Security window.  No changes made in User Security will become active until the workflow task has been finally approved.


Are you a CAL client interested in installing Microsoft Dynamics GP? Contact us first. CAL Business Solutions 860-485-0910 or support@calszone.com

By CAL Business Solutions, Connecticut Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner, www.calszone.com

Read the original post at http://community.dynamics.com/gp/b/gpteamblog/default.aspx